Canadian Crude Quality Technical Association - Project - Clay Treater Fouling
Clay Treater Fouling

Start Date
March 2024

This project was initiated after several refineries across North America reported issues with jet fuel specification failures due to clay treater fouling. Some reported JFTOT failures while others reported MSEP failures.

This project is currently under the Project Maintenance group while we assess if the issue warrants a stand-alone project.

Milestones as of September 2024

Recent Updates

  • Information was presented at the March 2024 Open Forum indicating clay treater fouling was reducing clay life to as little as 3 days. See March 2024 Open Forum meeting minutes for details.
  • Additional refiners (US and Canadian) provided data at the June 2024 Project Maintenance meeting indicating reduced clay change out cycles. See Open March 2024 Project Maintenance meeting minutes for details.

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