Amines in Crude

Amines in Crude Photo Start Date
December 2017

Over the last several years a number of refiners have reported plant issues (crude tower overhead corrosion control) linked to the use of amine based scavengers in crude to help reduce H2S levels during crude production and transportation (truck, rail, pipeline). In December of 2017, one refiner provided plant tests data indicating high levels of MonoEthanol Amine (MEA) in the crude tower overhead boot water.

The project was launched with the aim of providing direction to the crude transportation community on additive usage.

Milestones as of January 2025

  • Letter to CAPP on Use of Amine Based H2S Scavengers published. August 2018
  • Draft version of Best Practices was reviewed at September 2018 meeting. Decision was made to rename document as an Information Bulletin.
  • Published CQCTA Information Bulletin titled “H2S Scavenger in Crude Oil – Factors Affecting the Selection and Use of H2S Scavengers”. Available on the CCQTA website under Publications/White Papers. Jan 2019
  • Information bulletin “Sour vs. Sweet Designation within the Petroleum Industry” was published in August 2019. This document provides a clear distinction between the terms “sweet” and “sour” and their implication(s) on H2S in crude.
  • Marathon Petroleum work related to extraction of amines from crude oil for use in further analysis is in progress. Approved by ASTM D02.03 to proceed with drafting the standard practice under WK#68878.
  • A revision to the “Information Bulletin - Use of H2S Scavenger in Crude Oil” was published in December 2019 to include additional information related to test methods.
  • Project group began an investigation into the levels and types of amines in tank bottom water as a measure of the baseline levels of H2S scavenger. Tank water amine concentration, over time, may be a lagging indicator of scavenger use in the industry.
  • One tank bottom sample was collected, and results were presented at the December 2020 project meetings. Data so far is inconclusive. It appears the pH of the water may be too high for amine extraction into the water phase therefore using the water for baseline monitoring may not be effective.
  • Project was moved to “Project Maintenance Activities” as opposed to a stand-alone project.

Recent Updates

  • ASTM standard practice on amine extraction from crude oil (WK81967) is pending revision and ballot.
  • An update to the “H2S Scavenger Use in Crude Oil” Information Bulletin is planned for Q1 2025. The revision is intended to include additional chemistries currently in use. Revision details will be outlined at the February Project Maintenance meeting.