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May 27, 2025
May 28, 2025
May 29, 2025
Oct 7, 2025
Oct 8, 2025
Oct 9, 2025

Our History

What is the CCQTA?
The Canadian Crude Quality Technical Association membership consists of companies from multiple segments of the Canadian oil industry. The Association was established with the following educational and scientific objectives:

— To facilitate the resolution of common crude oil quality issues by establishing direct lines of communications among crude oil stakeholders.
— To provide a forum for the presentation and consideration of proposals for industry projects related to any aspect of crude oil quality.
— To improve industry knowledge and awareness of crude oil quality through the cooperative exchange of technical information among industry sectors.

The CCQTA does not discuss issues of a commercial nature nor does it endorse specific suppliers. The Association focus is on the technical aspects of the industry alone.

The strength of the CCQTA lies in its ability to pool resources from multiple sectors of the oil industry in response to an issue or concern. Pooled resources allow more productive research than work in isolation.

The CCQTA operates technical projects in number of different manners. Below are the options for projects:

— CCQTA sponsored projects are reserved for issues/concerns that are deemed of interest to the oil industry or the public as a whole. The intent is the release the finding of the project publically via reports, white papers, presentations, etc… These projects are funded by the Association and selected for funding by the Project Steering Committee.

— Member specific projects are initiated for issues/concerns that are specific to only a subset of the industry (refining, pipeline, etc…). In these instances, the CCQTA acts as a facilitating forum in which members who have an interest in a common issue can sponsor research or developmental work. The findings for these types of projects are only released to the project participants. These projects are funded solely by participant contributions.
— There exists an additional opportunity for project sponsorship from parties outside the CCQTA such as government agencies or other industry associations. These projects may be specific to an area of interest to capitalize on the CCQTA’s pooled resources to investigate common issues and potential solution(s). The CCQTA, having no commercial interests, will not act as a lobby group and will only provide impartial technical analysis, evaluation and assessment.

Our Governance Structure
The CCQTA is a non-profit organization, registered under the Societies Act of Alberta. It does not have permanent employees, but rather utilizes a volunteer Board of Directors of six (6) to fifteen members (14). The directors are nominated from member companies and, as a minimum, represent producers, refiners, pipeline companies and additive suppliers, plus a director to represent other segments not mentioned above.

Membership is open to any subscriber that is engaged in any commercial activity of the petroleum industry and who pays the initial and subsequent annual fees.

Our Resources
The CCQTA does not have a permanent office location, permanent staff or assets other than the money on account from the annual and initial fees. A part-time bookkeeper is employed, as an auditor is required under the by-laws. Legal counsel is consulted as required.

Our Fee Structure
Tier 1 at $600 for for companies with 50 or less employees.
Tier 2 at $6,200 for companies with greater than 50 employees,
Tier 3 at $12,000 for "Super Majors". These are very large companies that are fully integrated and stand to benefit the most from CCQTA work.

Fees are reviewed annually and are subject to change.

Our Membership
Currently, there are 67 member companies, representing production, refining, transmission pipeline, midstream, additive supply, waste disposal treatment, lab service and testing, and technical consulting. The 67 member companies includes 20 Tier 1, 31 Tier 2, and 12 Tier 3 members as well as 4 non-voting members.
View our Bylaws